Posts in ideology critique
Video: ‘Grievance studies’ fields encourage ‘marginalized’ students & faculty to become Jacks of all grievances, masters of nothing

Video: click here. Denial of tenure to a Harvard ‘grievance studies’ prof has led aggrieved students and fellow grievance faculty to protest. But grievance fields provide no scholarly criteria for tenure and can only lead to more grievances. Article on click here. January 4, 2020. For video click here or on title.

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Google Marxism: Internet Ideology & the Governmentalization of Private Enterprise

“Big Digital” consists of an array of business, political, and social interests, an ensemble of technology companies and Internet services, including but not limited to the Big Four: Alphabet (Google, YouTube, etc.) Amazon, Apple, and Facebook. Big Digital wields enormous economic and political power, presiding over Big Data, and serving as the chief arbiter of expression, with the power to effect the digital deletion of “dangerous” persons from its various platforms, as the gulag was the means to physically disappear dissidents and other thought criminals from “normal” life in the Soviet Union.

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What is “le Point de Capiton" of "Leftist Ideology?"

In The Supreme Object of Ideology, the Slovenian Marxist and Lacanian psychoanalytic theorist Slavoj Žižek, following the French psychoanalytic theorist Jacques Lacan, makes this claim and calls the central, organizing element le point de capiton, or the “quilting point,” the “anchoring point,” the element that holds an ideology together and around which a consistent perspective can be maintained.

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