No Island Is A Communist (Chapter 11 from Springtime for Snowflakes)

As I stated in Chapter Two, as a result of the fallout from my outing as the “‘Deplorable’ NYU Prof,” I found myself besieged and attacked by leftists of all stripes. Likewise, I inevitably questioned my political commitments. Could a political isolato such as I had become be a committed communist? The communists that I had known now resembled tyrants more than anything else. I now saw the authoritarianism and embryonic totalitarianism that had been hidden beneath a thin veneer of egalitarian rhetoric. Could I be numbered among a tribe whose members were so monstrous? No, I could not call myself a communist. Besides, to be a communist, one necessarily belonged to a community of some sort. No island is a communist. Click here or on title.

TheAntiPCProf .